Location & Hours

2040 E Maple Ave. Flint, MI 48507

We're on the second floor, so just come in the front door and head right up the stairs. See you there!


Friday & Saturday 12pm-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm

I'll also be available by appointment only Monday-Thursday. Email Kim@paradoxartistco.com to schedule a visit!


Other Businesses at This Location

Oddballs Antiques 

Facebook: ODDballs Antiques, Oddities, Curiosities

Instagram: @oddballsantiques


Josh Justice Photography

Website: joshjusticephotography.com

Facebook: Josh Justice Photography

Instagram: @joshjusticephotography


Not 2 Shabby Vintage

Facebook: Not 2 Shabby Vintage

Instagram: @maggieandharpervintage